is proud to present Blank Space, a group exhibition featuring a selection of works from Srijon Chowdhury, Robert Crumb, Dustin Emory, David-Jeremiah, Graham Krenz, Elberto Muller, Angela Anh Nguyen, Luna Palazzolo-Daboul, Santiago Alexis Rubino, Paula Santomé, Philip Smith, & Wade Tullier. Opening Saturday, November 30, 2024, to coincide with Miami Art Week and will remain on view through January 18, 2025.

There are no words, at least not at this time.

No single phrase or polished narrative captures the nuance of this gathering. Here, a convergence of artists engage in quiet defiance of definition—together yet distinct, speaking not to the divisions around us, but to the shared experience that lies beneath.

This exhibition asks nothing of the viewer but presence. In a world saturated with clamour and certainty, we offer an invitation to dwell in the unspoken. In the quiet of these encounters, generations away from familiar narratives and prescriptive themes, ghosts, loitering in an abyss of the lingering. 

Opens November 30, 2024 at 5 PM
On view until January 18, 2025

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Primary. (Est. in 2007) is a context and research-driven curatorial collective with an emphasis on public art. We thrive amongst the self-taught, working-class misfits, who explore the margins of a new Americana through pungent, human-focused narratives. Our program engages with the raw and uncanny, celebrating border voices, bootleg culture, and intergenerational commentary, connecting the new and unseen with broader audiences and evolving collections.

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